May 5, 2012

If I could Talk to the Animals...

 Another trip to Zoo Atlanta.  It was a beautiful day and the air was cool.  It brought out most of the animals.  Like Slasher, the Komodo Dragon, and of course my favorite animals the Gorillas and Orangutans.  They are such posers.

This funny fella took every opportunity to show me how cute he was.  He was showing off for all the cameras that day.


The sweet baby Orangutan that was brought from a zoo in St. Louis after losing his mother, who died in childbirth.  One of the females in our zoo was a wonderful surrogate. 
 Gorilla twins are rare.  Watching the Gorillas was my favorite way to spend time at  the zoo.  There are several habitats and each has at least two viewing areas. I was very fond of Willie B. and was sad when he passed.  One time I saw him "spank" Kudzoo for teasing Olympia.  

A Silverback  trying to get a treat out of the bamboo.  This way of feeding them was to foster wild behavior.  Eventually he got it, but it took some thinking and he was quite puzzled for a bit.

 A lion sighting was rare.  He liked to go high up and the only way to see him was the upper viewing deck.  However it was not exactly small child friendly and so I usually had to lift them up to see.  On this day I guess he was feeling less shy and was out for everyone to see.
Another animal that was a rare sighting.

 It was a very enjoyable trip for the kids because they were able to see most of the animals.  It was a rare trip when I could get so many views of each animal enclosure and get an animal at each site.  Kamron finally paid attention to the animals.  His big sister was excited to show him each one.
This was the first time we saw the tiger by the viewing window.  She was curious about all the excitement.  After she went back to hiding, her mate came to the window and "marked his territory".  Thank goodness there was glass there.  

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