May 3, 2012

Zoo Atlanta

The meerkat was a new exhibit featured for the African Safari.  They had characters very similar to Disney's Timon and Pumba dancing and taking photos with the kids.  The new section also included a warthog family with a piglet on the way. Sammie and I watched Meerkat Manor every week and it was quite an experience to be able to see them so close.  They are a very social animal and it took a bit of persuading to get her away to visit the other animals. 
 These photos were taken on a trip to Zoo Atlanta.  I had a membership and was invited to special evening events.  There was an Asian Safari and an African Safari.  I had children with me at both events and had a wonderful time.  It was a a joy to see the sparkle in their eyes as they participated in activities.  I was sad to move away.
 The group performing the fire dancing is Fahrenheit.  It was an awesome show and very difficult to capture the excitement with my camera.

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